Imagine Finance
Bad Credit Loans
Make your bad credit a thing of the past with a loan from Imagine Finance
Getting a loan can be challenging if you have a poor or non-existent credit record.
At Imagine Finance, we believe you should be able to get the loan you desire, regardless of your credit history.
Fortunately, many lenders now disregard most credit issues, especially those over one year old.
We consider your unique circumstances to work out what you can borrow, ensuring you are talking to an experienced adviser who understands your situation without judgment.
If your credit problems occurred more than three years ago, you may be eligible for a bad credit loan – use our Loan Calculator to work out what your monthly repayments could be.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a bad credit loan?
A bad credit loan works slightly differently than a regular loan. Lenders will want to be satisfied that whatever caused your bad credit history has been overcome, and the problem is unlikely to reoccur. You may be eligible for a bad credit loan if you have a history of:
- Bankruptcy
- County Court
- Judgements (CCJs)
- Debt Management Plan
- Defaults
- Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)
- Missed credit payments on unsecured debt
- Mortgage arrears
If this applies to you, take the first step in reclaiming control of your finances and contact us today for free impartial advice.
How can I get a loan if I have a poor credit record?
Contact Imagine Finance and allow our experienced team to assess your delicate circumstances and find you the best possible solution, including an alternative route if we do not deem a bad credit loan to be suitable advice.
If you intend to use the loan to pay off existing debts, use our Debt Consolidation Calculator to work out how much these are currently costing you.
If you have the relevant information, speed up the process by completing our quick application form.
How will you support me through the process?
At Imagine Finance, we’ve been helping people with poor credit obtain loans for over 30 years, guaranteeing you the best possible repayment terms for your circumstances.
You can also be assured you are talking to someone who understands your situation without judgment to get you back on track.
Once approved by lenders, you could have the money in your account in as little as 24 hours.